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If you are "a bit" slim like me and would like to see yourself looking well carved with 6packs and a good muscle build that would surprise a lady when she touches you or you just want to be proud of your body when you are at the beach party or alone with that special someone, then i think you need to read this 7 easy steps to get those fantastic lean muscles that makes any guy looks like a super honk anytime;

Gain Muscle For Skinny GuysNo7 Get Supplements
Naturally your body gets all its nutrients and minerals from the food you eat but if you intend to add a significant extra body mass you would definitely need to supplement your diet, preferably with powder protein supplements, one very popular supplement you can easily find in any chemist store is CASILAN90, take it as part of your diet and watch your body gradually improve, although you might notice frequent gas/bowel movements when you use any protein powder, its all part of the magic effects of powder protein supplements on the body. 

No6 Eat Frequently
Working out properly would require you to feed your muscles with the right kind of foods, foods that are high in calories like rice, yam, potatoes and cassava foods are good because they contain the sugar your body needs during exercise. it is important to have at least 300-600 calories from a carbohydrate rich meal two to three hours before work outs. it is also important to plan an after work out meal which also contain sugar producing carbohydrate foods so that your body can easily reabsorb burnt off sugar, that way you add more weight even faster.

No5 Use Amino Acids
optimum nutrition bcaaOne secret to gaining muscle mass is to use amino acids, there is however a specialised amino acid you can use before, during and after work outs and its called the Branched chain amino acid BCAA, BCAA`s can help speed up your muscle gain, the best use of BCAA`s would be to consume 10-20 grams just before work outs and every 60-90mins during work outs.

No4 Eat Meat
Eat meat, eat lots of meat because you need the muscle fiber that is in it, besides meat contains all the fat proteins and hormonal precursors needed to add weight quickly. so cut back on the veges for a while and try some mr biggs burger.

No3 Mix It Up
For flexibility sake mix up your work out regime so it doesn`t look like you can`t control your body when a new frame is gained. So try various forms of exercises,it challenges your muscles.

No2 Lift Heavy
Gain Muscle For Skinny GuysYes lift heavy, its the only way to gain more than what you already have. Lifting heavy in repetitive sets helps to increase muscle tone with each work out session, to help with this you can get a friend or a personal trainer to serve as a motivation as you would more likely lift more when someone is watching, also they could also help lift off the weights when its getting to heavy to carry.

No1 Lift Frequently
Gain Muscle For Skinny GuysThis just happens to be my biggest problem hopefully not for you, the good thing is once you have built some muscles its not so difficult to maintain them afterwards, yes you only need one work out session every week to actually maintain them but getting them in the first place isn`t so easy, to get them faster you might need to work out twice a day, and if you do you`ll need to set aside a full recovery day to rest your body, also note that if you exercise twice daily you should give yourself at least a 4hour interval between the two sessions.
So what should a great exercise combo look like?
simple - exercise your chest and back on day1, your shoulders,biceps and triceps on day2, your legs and core on day3 then take a full day rest on day4 and then repeat again.

curled from: ask men.


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