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This is a really disturbing story of a 29-year-old man, Eme Friday, who raped the corpse of a 19-year-old girl he gagged to death in Epe area of Lagos State.

Eme who is presently being interrogated by detectives at the State Criminal Investigations Department, SCID, Panti, Lagos told Crime Alert exclusively that he gagged her to stop her from shouting but the helpless girl tried all she could to save herself by even biting his fingers until her strength failed her. This, he continued, resulted in her passing out after which he carried out the act unperturbed.

In what looked like a nollywood production, he reveals how he had laid ambush for Blessing in the bush for two hours and struck when he sighted her with a bowl, with which she brought cassava from the farm, a means thathas been sustaining her family for years.

Narrating how he raped and eventually murdered Blessing, Eme said, sounding
remorseful: "I had told her several times that I wanted her to be my lover but she refused. So, on March 10, 2012, I slept in their house because I always frequented there. And in the evening, I approached her again wanting to sleep with her, but she raised an alarm which attracted her parents.''

And before them, she told me to leave their house, not caring where I would sleep that night. I left for the farm which was just a stone throw from the hut they lived. I was embarrassed by her behaviour because I expected her to tell me off politely, after all she was not better off than me.
I guess she refused me because I do not have money. I only attended primary school and left my state for Lagos last August in search of greener pasture.

How he strangled her to death:
"So the next day, a Sunday, I saw her with a bowl coming to the farm. I stopped her on the way and told her I would like to have carnal knowledge of her which she bluntly refused."
He continued,
 "I felt bad and recalling the embarrassment of the previous night, I grabbed her. But I realised she was very strong, as she tried to put up resistance. She said I should leave her alone so that we would not create a scene. But I took a wood I saw and hit her on the head. I then held her in the throat and realised she was choking. At that point, she fell down and I had my way."

Asked if he noticed that Blessing was dead at that point, he replied:
"yes, I noticed she was still but I thought it was because of my firm grip on her neck. I had her twice. I honestly loved her and wanted to marry her."

On noticing the magnitude of his deed, Eme said he remained in the bush for four days, apparently to avoid people from seeing him around and attribute Blessing's death to him.
But unknown to him, other farmers who were on their way home, sighted him and the deceased .
A disclosure they made when Blessing was found dead.

Asked if he had any regret, he replied:
"I regretted that she died. I have been praying to God to forgive me since I have been here.
I also thank God I did not die when I attempted to leave my hiding place the third day, for her people had mobilized themselves by combing the bush for me. When they sighted me, I ran for dear life because they were armed with cutlasses.

After four days, I went to one of my brothers who handed me over to the police."

Meanwhile, back at the victims hut, apprehension had set in for Mr Long-John and his wife (Parents of the Victim), after waiting for hours without the sight of Blessing or the cassava she was sent to go out and get. Mr Long-John decided to go and find out the cause of the delay only to be greeted with the unGodly sight of his daughter in the bush path, stone dead, with Eme still on her.
Hear him:
"When it was 7pm, I decided to go and look for her because they were supposed to leave for Epe town that day, in preparation for school the next day. They usually come on Fridays to this hut where we farm and leave every Friday."

But what caught my attention first, was the way the bush path was scattered as if animals had fought there. I called out to my daughter Blessing but there was no response. Then, to my shock, I saw Eme on my daughter and I shouted.

But I could not lay my hand on him because he immediately took to his heels and I could not run at the same pace with him. I went to call one of my sons who rushed down where we still found my daughter lying still. I shook her, called out her name but there was dead silence."

eme friday currently remains in police custody


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