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How about Sahara Reporters?

I never wanted to have any interview. It was on the eve of my US show. I was told I should do the interview, because they're very troublesome. I had to do the interview for the sake of my show the next day. I was guaranteed that there'd be no politics questions. I had not been in the country. And I had been under pressure.  Sadly, when that happened and I was being

The truth is that if nothing went wrong, you'd have still heard all this good news and Mohits would take the glory, I didn't come out in eight years to say anything. Everyone made their contributions. There were no issues, as long as it worked. My mistake was thinking that we were one. People don't question their brothers and sisters.

How do you feel about Wande Coal and Dr. SID taking sides with Jazzy?

I won't be too quick to judge Wande Coal. I hear it was Jazzy that tweeted those Wande tweets. I don't know how true that is, but I know he had our social media accounts. As at a month ago, I couldn't access any of my accounts. My password was changed on Twitter and Facebook. Then Universal intervened. I'm about to be verified on Twitter now. I'm not really a social media person, so it was Don Jazzy and some of our other guys that were running it. Wande himself knows the truth. He cannot talk to me like that. The whole Mohits knew who ran the label businesswise. They knew who to come to when they needed to get money out, after we recorded the album. Who knows the factory where Dansa was made? But you will know the marketing manager. The car he's driving, I bought him a brand new Prado from Phyllis and Moss after he crashed the car he won from Hiphop World awards. I bought six Range Rovers last year. I bought D'Prince an LR 3 last year, he crashed it, then I bought him a Range, and it's true that I bought two Bentleys. Because of Jazzy. But after July last year, after the issue with Jazzy,

My album comes out under my label/GOOD Music/Island Def Jam. I'm funding the D'banj album, in America, through GOOD Music/Island Def Jam. GOOD Music is Kanye West who is co-executive producing with me. The deal comprises of Island Def Jam, in US. But in UK, it is under Mercury. My first single will be released in Europe on May 14. My work will be released in Africa through Universal/Def Jam. We don't have these structures in Africa, and they've seen how much money they've lost. They've seen what I've done with Mohits. I made my pitch to them; I've made them realize how much they were losing in the African region. Over 150m Nigerians, over 800m Africans. 2% of that is 8.5m. They were not making anything except from S.A, which has been the US of Africa. So we will be launching this label in Ghana, in partnership with Vodafone, launching in Nigeria in partnership with MTN. Def Jam Africa will be up soon; Kenya, SA, and North Africa will follow.

Why are you risking all this? What if you burn your fingers and lose everything

My last album was in July 2008 – no album in four years and I know what I still command in those four years. The momentum for me to be able to do this is because I see how much it took me, I saw the benefit, it's God, and the favour of the relationships we've built. Plus, I don't take no for an answer, I don't take negativity. It will work in Jesus' name. If not, I wouldn't have landed in the UK and hear Oliver Twist on the radio. Nor would I be in the mainstream media with them saying I'm pioneering afrobeats. I said to them 'Oh hell no, that's Fela's music. Fela is the legend.' So I pray to God – I beg my fans, it'll be good to do half a million downloads. It's possible, it's a different market. Platinum in UK is 300,000. I believe with the support of my people in Redding, Coventry, Dusting, Hackney, Thamesmead, Abbeywood, we can do it.'

In all of this, faithfulness and loyalty have been brutally murdered. And the jury is still out on who pulled the trigger.


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