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ZIMBABWE--A Bulawayo woman has surprised all and sundry by coming out in the open to tell the world about the weird things that her religious group does in the name of JESUS.
The woman only identified as Joyce revealed that she used to be a member of a cult named Morning Glory which called Jesus' name to cause accidents and curse people to death.
As if that was not strange enough about the 'religious group', she added that every year in December they hold their congress in Gutu at a certain rock which they call their god. They pray to the rock and consult it for super natural powers to be able to destroy their enemies and to be always on top of their game.
She also revealed that her father's death was an eye opener to some members of the cult because after declaring that he was leaving the satanism sect, the leaders told him that he was going to die within a period of three days. Their world came to reality as the old man passed away and his death caused members to fear for their lives as they were aware that they would never be able to leave the cult.

"After my father's death I realised that the church was not a good one because I believe Jesus does not kill people and make them suffer. They operate in such a funny way and I want the world to know the truth before I die because they told me that I would only live for three months," said the woman. She said that when her father passed away she got to understand the fact why her father had concluded that they were Satanists.

"Many evil things are being done in the name of Jesus and you just have to know the name of the person you want to fix. For instance things are conducted his way, you tell the pastor the name of the person you want to fix, it can be your family member, workmate or a neighbour. The pastor would then call the person's spirit and then tell you to say out things you want that person to go through. If you wish that person to be involved in a car accident or fired at work, it would be so," she said.

Joyce also claimed that many people have perished in accidents and some people's strength to work has been taken away and their riches.
"You know there are times when you have money but at the end of the day you find yourself without a cent not knowing how you spent it.
Some people used to request such things and they would take away people's monies," she said.
She revealed that the other thing which made her leave the sect was the issue of praying to a rock.

"When we travelled to the congress in Gutu, some pastors led people to the rock and they would run leaving everyone behind. When you arrive at the rock, you would be told that God has left so you ask for all things you want from the rock as God left his powers with it," said the visibly shocked woman.

Joyce said she is waiting for her death as she heard that an all night prayer was held and they were calling for her death. When Pastor Josiah Machacha was contacted for comment, he denied
the allegations saying he prays for people's deliverance and nothing more.
"I pray for deliverance of people and not death or whatsoever. The other thing we pray at a rock not to a rock. People who say such bad things about this church have some issues they want to settle with us," he said.


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