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The story now referred to as Jesus of Badagry is the story of a reported MFM member who died and woke up after 3 days in badagry. Sunday Vanguard sent their team to badagry and this shocking revelation was what they uncovered. more after cut

As early as 7am of  that Thursday, this reporter set out for Badagry, Lagos where the bizarre incident allegedly  took place. It turned out that  the story was more of  fiction as there was no indication  that the incident took place.

The first port of call was Aradagun village where the expression on people’s faces was enough to cancel the investigation. Residents claimed they were taken aback when they heard the  news. After  hours at Aradagun, we visited  Oremeji village where the supposed miracle was said to have taken place. Only one motorcyclist plies the village from Aradagun and he left a couple of minutes before the arrival of Sunday Vanguard to drop a passenger.
After hours of waiting, it was this reporter’s turn to be transported to the village which was several miles away from Aradagun. On getting to Oremeji,  we  were confronted with questions from curious villagers. ‘’Can a dead man  rise after  he has been taken to a morgue?” “Is he another Jesus Christ on earth’‘?,they asked.
Sunday Vanguard  was referred to Badagry General Hospital. “It seems you are not satisfied with what we are saying. Go to the  General  Hospital where the incident was said to have been recorded and when you get there, kindly extend our greetings to the Jesus of Badagry,” one of the villagers said.
The General  Hospital is located at the tail end of  Badagry where one of the doctors gave the reporter a warm welcome. Upon introduction, she was referred to the medical director’s office.
At the reception to the  medical director’s secretary’s office, the reporter was asked about  her mission as the staffer  who attended to her initially refused access to the medical director on the excuse that he  (medical director) was attending to some patients.
Thereafter, the reporter  was led to the secretary’s office who refused to comment on the issue. After a while, the reporter was taken to the medical director’s office where many patients were being attended to in turns.
To while away time  till the medical director was ready to attend to her, the reporter took a stroll round the hospital premises  and to see if she could get  more information on the resurrection story  but she was confronted with more questions from respondents. ‘’Where did you people hear the story? Can a dead man resurrect?” were some of the questions asked by the  respondents.
Many of them refused to be quoted but  nonetheless  told  Sunday Vanguard the report had generated a lot of anxiety  in the hospital. ‘’My friend from Abuja called me this morning and informed me that it was in the news that a dead man resurrected in our hospital (he brought out his cell phone). How can such a thing happen in our place of work and those of us who are staff did not hear ?’‘, said one of them.
Another staffer, who gave her name as Sena, said  she and her colleagues were taken aback when the news filtered in. ‘’If you were here in the morning, you would have seen  how people ran helter skelter over  the news. Those concerned have checked their records and it was not  there. Only God knows where the reporter got the report from,’‘ she said.
Finally at the medical director’s office around 3.30 p.m., the dark skinned  doctor  refused to comment on  the issue and referred Sunday Vanguard to the Lagos State  health ministry.’‘I am not in the position to comment on  the issue. Every information needed will be provided by the ministry of health,’‘ said the doctor.
The  man who refused his name in print  said ,’‘Madam, have you been to the mortuary ? We have checked all our records and discovered nothing like that has taken place in this hospital. This is Badagry General Hospital and we don’t have such record with us.
We do embalming here and there is no way such a thing could have happened because the body would have dried completely. The report said the man was on admission after his resurrection but we don’t have such a patient here, Please, please, the ministry of  health will give you the details you want.’‘
The deputy medical director, Badagry General Hospital, Dr Tunji Olabuntu, who was quoted to have confirmed the incident, could not be reached  but sources close to the hospital said he was ignorant of the report. The permanent secretary, Lagos State ministry of health, Dr Femi Olugbile,  also dismissed the story, saying it was impossible for a human being to return to life after days in the mortuary. “It is a lie. There is nothing like that,” he said.
According to the report,  residents of Oremeji in Aradagun near Badagry, Lagos, were, on Sunday, November 20, thrown into shock when a man, believed to have died, resurrected after three days in the mortuary.
The man,  identified as Mr Agosu, was said to have died of an undisclosed illness on Friday, November 18, in a hospital and his remains  deposited at the morgue of the Badagry General Hospital.
The report  said  news of  the man’s resurrection broke out on Sunday evening as members of his Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM, were preparing tents for his wake keep.
The report said a  worker at the morgue suddenly heard that a dead man was coughing from inside the morgue and contacted the hospital management who ordered a doctor to carry out a test on the man.
On examination, it was allegedly  discovered that the man was still breathing and the hospital management  thereafter directed that he should be admitted for treatment.
Olabuntu, the deputy medical director of the hospital, was quoted as confirming  the incident, saying: “It is true that the man resurrected after three days in the mortuary, but he was not originally admitted in our hospital.”


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