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from left former Boko Haram spokesman Ali Sanda Umar Konduga and Sen. Mohamed  Ali Ndume
Sen. Mohammed Ali Ndume and former boko haram spokesman Ali Sanda Umar Konduga a.k.a (al-Zawahiri), two men at the center of SSS investigations to uncover the mask and the menace behind the islamic sect were yesterday brought before a magistrate court in Abuja to answer to a charge of conspiracy to felony to wit and a second charge on Sen Mohamed Ali Ndume for breaching public trust by disclosing several classified information to the boko haram sect, an action which is punishable under the penal law.

the former boko haram spokesman who claims to have repented from his evil ways has pleaded guilty and asked the court for leniency based on his change of character, Ali Sanda told the court through his interpreter that the Sen had furnished the group with information money and phone numbers of top people in government whom they sent threatening messages one of whom was the former attorney general of the federation. The senator however denied all charges levied against him and sort bail on grounds of his health, stating that he suffered from prostate cancer and would need a doctors presence  at all time.

Bail was however denied to both party`s much to the satisfaction of the Ali Sanda, claiming that his life is safer in the cells of the SSS than out on the streets,as he has also received death threats from what he called the different factions of the Islamic sects. 

Hearing is to resume on Dec 6th.  


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