Baktım son zamanlarda moda haberlerini ve trendlerini boşluyorum, duruma el koyup haftaya güzel bir işbirliği haberiyle başlamaya karar verdim. Koleksiyon ürünleri çok şık görünüyor, ayakkabılar da öyle. Bu sonbahar satışa çıkacakmış, bir gidip bakılmalı, gerekirse alınmalı :) Unutmayın, güzel spor kıyafetleri insanı spor yapmaya motive ediyor ;)
I noticed that I don't post about the main topic, fashion news and trends. So this made me to start a new week with nice collaboration news. The Gymwear collection designed by Adidas for Oysho looks chic, so are the sneakers. Collection will be available in Oysho stores my this fall. Don't forget, new sport-clothes will motive you to exercise ;)

I noticed that I don't post about the main topic, fashion news and trends. So this made me to start a new week with nice collaboration news. The Gymwear collection designed by Adidas for Oysho looks chic, so are the sneakers. Collection will be available in Oysho stores my this fall. Don't forget, new sport-clothes will motive you to exercise ;)
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