Michelle Williams has kept a relatively low profile since Heath Ledger,
the father of her daughter, Matilda, tragically died in January 2008.
Who can blame her? Every time Williams and her little girl step out the
door of their Brooklyn brownstone, the paparazzi are ready to pounce.
In an attempt to shield her child from intrusive photogs and unnecessary
coverage in the tabloids, the actress has been extremely reluctant to give
interviews ... until now.

"I didn't know what my boundaries were for a long time, which made interviews
feel very unsafe," she shares in Vogue's October issue. "I can talk about grief,
because that's mine; about single parenting; about trying
to balance work and kids.
But what I don't have to talk about is what happened
between Heath and me in our relationship."

Clearly, the actress adored Ledger, whom she met while filming "Brokeback Mountain."
" was an unrepeatable moment in time, a very charmed time in my life," she recalls.
"I was in love; I was in a movie I was proud to be a part of, and with a beautiful
brand-new baby. Everything was good in that moment."

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