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Danacing With the stars 09.22.09: The Women Premiere Their Dance Moves..

Last night the biggest season of Dancing With
the stars began when the men busted out onto
the dance night the ladies dance for
the very first time.Did they give the men a run for their money..

The show began with the women pro dancers hitting the stage to the song She’s A Lady... They were beautiful in their black gowns and their moves were smokin’ HOT! The women stars were dancing either a Salsa or a Viennese Waltz tonight before they broke out into the relay round.

Actress Debi Mazar was dancing with Maxim Chemerkovskiy this season. She was hoping that she could dance as well as she could talk. She looked a little clumsy and looked at the floor often in their routine tonight. Len said that Debi was missing the leg and hip action, Bruno told Debi that she could work the bosums very well, but her timing was all over the place. Carrie Ann said that she thought it was tougher for the girls to come out the second night and gave her credit for going first, but she thought that Debi was all over the place in her routine. They received 6, 5, 5 a score of 16.

Grammy winner Macy Gray is dancing with Jonathan Roberts and tonight their first dance was the Viennese Waltz. She is currently on tour, so her dancing schedule has been hectic. You could tell by her dancing that she didn’t have much time to practice. Carrie Ann said that the routine was fascinating as she has a natural genuineness to her, Len said that if he were at home he would be voting for her and Bruno said it was like watching a child taking its’ first steps…she does need to work on her technique. They received 5, 4 and 5 after their dance a score of 14.

The third couple to dance tonight was the award winning recording artist and actress Mya and her partner Dimitry Chaplin. Mya felt that Dimitry was the perfect partner for her because he is cute and she had watched him dance on the show last season. She said that she was just going to go out there and try to remember everything Dimitry taught her tonight. Their Viennese Waltz was fun and more technical than Melissa’s. The turns were fantastic. They received a standing ovation from the crowd! Carrie Ann said, “Way to set the bar tonight!” Len said that he was in a bit of a predicament because he thought that the technique was not that of a Viennese Waltz. Bruno argued saying, “It was artistry in motion and the girl was magnificent.” Their scores were 8, 5 and 8 a score of 21 for this evening…so much for Len the iron pants judge!

Actress and famous daughter of Ozzy Osbourne, Kelly was dancing with Louis Van Amstel in season 9 of Dancing With The Stars. The took on the Viennese Waltz and I must say that Kelly looked beautiful tonight. She has the most beautiful smile and had her mother crying when she finished her dance. Bruno told Kelly that he could not believe his eyes that this rock princess had been transformed. Carrie Ann said that her parents should be proud, but she had to dock her for her foot coming off the ground. Len told her it was the best Vienesse Waltz of the night. They received scores of 8,7,8 a score of 23.


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