Muslim Celebrities Michael Jackson is now a Muslim. Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless him and his family.

Michael Jackson is now a Muslim. Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT bless him and his family.
He has converted to Islam and has changed his name to Mikaeel, after the Angel of Allah. He took his shahada before Canadian film editor, singer and song writer Davud Wharmsby Ali and Philip Bubal, both Muslim converts.
As we all know, once a person converts to Islam, all his past-sins will be gone and he/she will be given a clean slate by Allah SWT to start a new life. What a beautiful state that is. Michael Jackson is indeed a blessed man, starting his life now like a new born baby without any sins. Only sins that will be recorded for the converts are; those sins that they do after they have accepted Islam. May Allah SWT keep Mikaeel on the Right Path. Ameen.
We hope that he will be vocal about his conversion and propagating Islam, because we know that he can reach to millions of people with his message unlike us. And with the Will of Allah, hopefully more and more of his fans will accept Islam, Inshallah.
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