Ethnicity: Filipina
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 105 lbs
Stats: 34 24 34
Growing up I had plenty of different nicknames that relatives & family friends would refer to me -- Miss Beautiful, Rich & Famous, and Miss America to name a few. My mother had always dressed me in poofy dresses & faux fur... You can say that I was extremely girly and never once had a tomboy phase!
I was born in San Diego, CA on April 25. I have two older half bothers and one younger brother, so you can imagine why I was always so glam for those Filipino family parties! I am the only daughter. At a young age, my mother had gotten me involved in numerous activities to see which I would be most interested in -- gymnastics, dance, and modeling.
Modeling was always something I considered but due to all the time and effort that it required and my mom unable to fully commit due to taking care of the family, she figured that I could pursue it once I got older.
I did well in high school and graduated with an honors diploma. I was involved in school through key club and many other activities. I was your classic definition of a nerd!
Once graduating, I began to attend the University of Nevada, Las Vegas as a business major. One day I was walking to my car from campus when I had been approached to do a hair show. I figured since I wasn't doing anything over the weekend I might as well change up my hair and get paid to do it. From then on I signed with local agencies and worked the local tradeshows and photographers. It wasn't until 2008 that I finally decided that I would pursue modeling in full force!
Myspace http://www.myspace.com/marielmendoza
Twitter http://twitter.com/MarielMendoza

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